Be notified of fire and other emergencies.
The fire alarm system in your building is a vital component of your life safety plan providing detection and notification of a fire and other emergencies.
Brigadier-Elite Security is a ULC listed alarm service provider and our partner, SaskTel SecurTek, is a ULC certified monitoring company. We can provide 24/7 Fire Monitoring for alarm and sprinkler systems compliant with the CAN/ULC-S561 national standard and issue a ULC certificate. If you have a fire alarm system, you require this standard.
What is ULC and CAN/ULC Fire Alarm Monitoring?
Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC) has established the standard that is referenced in Building Codes and Fire Codes and provides maximum protection and safety. It governs how fire monitoring equipment is installed, how it communicates and how it is maintained.
A ULC Certification provides proof to Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) and insurance companies that your monitoring system has been installed, tested, and is being maintained to the highest standard. ULC certified alarm systems are required to be maintained under the care and inspection service of the issuing alarm service company.
to build a fire alert system for your business.